States, like politics, have a morality. After all, the morals of nations influence their states. According to the political treatises, one of the most important characteristics which Turkish statesmen must have was truthfulness and the other one was justice. Heads of state were asked never to lie. The honour of the liar would be lost. He would lose the trust and confidence of the nation.
Seventy-five years ago, a new state was formed in the world arena. The foundation of this state was built on lies and cruelty. There are no concepts of truth and honesty in this state. The most important virtue of its rulers is lying. They elect the most convincing liar to the presidency. And they base all their policies on lies. The idiom “He tells forty lies on one foot” was said for them.
The second important characteristic of this state is cruelty. All people other than themselves are second class citizens. In fact, they do not even belong to the human class. Therefore, it is not necessary to treat them as human beings. It is permissible and even necessary to inflict all kinds of cruelty on them.
They bomb hospitals, ambulances, shelters, civilian settlements and marketplaces, bakeries, water and energy sources, destroy buildings, shoot children, disabled people, women and pregnant women unblinkingly.
Their lies are ready for those who oppose them. According to them, hospitals are terror centres. Everywhere they hit, there were people they declared as terrorists. When you ask what happens to the babies in the womb, you listen to fragments from the falsified Torah.
Those who say, “Prove and document that the people in the hospitals are terrorists” are waiting in vain. Because they have no problem to show documents to second class people or animals. Whatever they say is right(!) and you have to accept it. Everything they say is true(!) You can never refute them.
The United Nations has passed hundreds of resolutions against them. They did not give any value to any of them. They even described the joint decision of more than a hundred heads of state who opposed their latest massacres as despicable. And they swallowed that despicable behaviour!…
Who hears, who listens?
To put it bluntly, there is no one in the world (except for contractual states such as Iran) who can tell them that they are wrong, that they are mistaken, except Turkey. Recently, Turkish President Mr Erdogan turned German Prime Minister Olaf Scholz into a whipping boy in front of the whole world. The German Prime Minister could not even raise his voice.
Actually, that slap of our President was not only to the German Prime Minister. It was to all world leaders. In the 21st century, in an era when human rights are supposedly at their peak, massacre and genocide are recklessly exhibited in front of the eyes of the whole world. The world is following this genocide as if watching a dramatic film or series.
There are some brave men in the world. They can be artists, actors, activists, writers or sportsmen and they take a stand against this cruel state. However, this despicable state, with its pawns who are effective on all sides, makes attempts to cut off even their tongues. It organises a lynching and smear campaign against them. They isolate themselves, influence their employers and dismiss them.
On the other hand, we witness hundreds of thousands of people marching in the streets and demonstrations against this massacring state in almost every country. Even if you add them all together, it is impossible to say that they have any effect on this lying and massacring state. It is impossible to bring them to their senses with boycotts, marches and condemnations. You boycott their goods, but they sell the organs of the people they killed!
How will you transform a state whose main characteristics are lies and cruelty into justice and truth? Ziya Pasha says:
“The one who does not behave well with advice must be rebuked,
The one who does not come to the right path with rebuke deserves to be beaten.”
As Ziya Pasha said, they only understand hardness and beatings.
The old people used to say, “A dirham of meat covers a thousand shames”. The most important power of this cruel state comes from money. They buy the states and administrators of the world with money. Money changes views in an instant. Lies quickly turn into truth, crookedness into righteousness, and cruelty into justice.
At the very beginning of this latest Palestinian incident, I had evaluated it as “Israel’s September 11th“. In other words, I had stated that Israel had caused these incidents knowingly and willingly, because Israel now needed to embark on a new and big move for its “Arz-ı mev’ud” project. For this, it had to take control in Gaza.
However, in those first days, the heroism of Hamas was always talked about. No one thought about what this lying and cruel state was planning. No one even remembered Israel’s big game.
However, look, 40 days later, on the first day of the clashes, it has been clearly understood today that Israel itself planned the raid on the festival area, where thousands of people took part, and that Israeli war helicopters bombed it. Moreover, Israel’s Haaretz newspaper clearly stated that the Israeli army committed the real massacre at the Supernova music festival where 364 people lost their lives.
But the lie is so ingrained in the minds that who hears and listens to the truth?
One is a lie and the other is a hypocrasy!
On the other hand, I had warned, “Watch out of the Iranian regime!” I had warned, “Don’t be deceived by Iran’s game, it will leave you alone and even put you in trouble.” Unfortunately, what I said has come true.
Since 1979, the Iranian regime has been keeping its supporters in high spirits by stating that it will put an end to the State of Israel, which it has labelled “devil” for 45 years. However, they do not do anything other than passing the hat round in the Islamic countries that the USA has destroyed. They are in every country. In the last incident, while on the one hand they provoked and applauded Hamas, on the other hand they watched the destruction of Gaza with crocodile tears. In agreement with Israel, they had their money unblocked in some countries!
Israel’s lie has turned into a policy of hypocrasy. It is “to prey on fools by pretending to be right, but doing the opposite”.
Yes, Iran criticises Israel unrestrainedly, but in almost every region, it tears, hits and weakens the Sunni Islamic world. Unable to prevent Turkey’s goals in Azerbaijan and Syria, Iran finally opened the Palestine card. More precisely, they opened it together with Israel. Iran had already put Iraq and Syria in a position ready for occupation in line with Israel’s wishes and desires.
Now Israel itself is in charge. A new and giant step has been taken in the “Arz-ı mev’ud” project. Gaza has been fallen. Israel’s new moves will take the stage in the region very soon with the projects of “Make them sleep, hit them!”. Let’s see what kind of a policy Turkey, which has been pinched, will follow in this crisis.
I draw special attention to states such as Iran and Saudi Arabia that want to spread their religious beliefs in our country! Because they are the architects of the most important projects that will give Turkey a headache in the future…
In this sense, I repeat the questions I asked the President of Religious Affairs last week:
What was Prof. Dr Halis Aydemir, a member of the Religious Affairs Council, doing in Tehran on behalf of the Diyanet? What was he seeking to unite? Why was Aydemir’s speech not published while the papers of all participants were published on Iran’s official website? What kind of a speech did he make there and what promises did he make? What did he mean by the phrase “the Qur’an in circulation” he used in his speech? He must answer all these questions…
After the chariot is overturned or Basra is devastated, there will be many who will guide and advise. Turkey, in its second century, cannot have a single minute to spend in unawareness!
For a great state and a glorious century, utmost caution, proper precautions, right will, courage and great ideals are essential…
The nightingale moans in vain, the rose does not hear her moaning.
Is there anyone who reads and listens to the page of love and compassion?
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Şimşirgil
24th November 2023
Türkiye Gazetesi