Recently, there have been some striking statements about the current state of the fight against FETÖ. In particular, the decisions taken by the Council of State regarding FETÖ-affiliated judges and prosecutors dropped like a bomb on the agenda. The fact that the 5th Chamber of the Council of State has decided to reinstate more than…
Kategori: Makaleleri
Who wil supervise Diyanet TV
In the first days of February, a theology professor who was a member of the Religious Affairs Council was giving a talk on Diyanet TV. I was horrified as I listened to him. He was very comfortably conveying and defending words that were incompatible with the Islamic faith. He was saying the following: “Some scholars…
Who is defective in precaution finds an excuse for appreciation!
With the disaster in the gold mine in İliç, Erzincan, the question of whether we are negligent in taking the necessary precautions and conducting inspections before disasters has once again come to the agenda. In fact, this and some previous disasters reveal that we have serious deficiencies in these areas. Because the size of the…
For the sake of the man!
384 years ago today (9 February 1640), there was a huge crowd in front of the Blue Mosque. Those in the square were in great sorrow. The body of Sultan Murad IV, who had given them a feast just two years ago by recapturing Baghdad, lay on the musalla stone in front of them. Şeyhülislam…
Dear Mr. President
10 July 2020 was a day that made our nation and all the Muslims of the world very happy. On that day, the chains of Hagia Sophia, which had been in misery for 86 years, were broken. The Council of State had decided to return Hagia Sophia to its original state, and you had signed…
In the grip of the great game Hagia Sophia
In recent days, the Hagia Sophia Mosque has again been at the center of controversy. The issue was related to the Ministry of Culture’s regulation of foreigners’ access to the Hagia Sophia Mosque. In a sudden turn of events, it was announced that non-Muslims would not be allowed into the main area of the mosque…
What is CHP for?
What kind of world is this, the story is tough Its space is a surface and time is a delusion The whole universe is a linoleum decor The whole of humanity is surrendered to the lie. Necip Fazıl Kısakürek was surely in completely different thoughts in this quatrain. But poems can also lead to different…
The Road to the Conquest of Mecca!
1394 years ago yesterday, Mecca and the Kaaba were cleansed of idols and enlightened with the light of Islam. The Meccan polytheists had not only expelled our glorious Prophet and his followers from Mecca, they had organized three expeditions to drown them in Medina. However, they returned from the battles of Badr, Uhud and Hendek…
Atatürk is not the point, don’t you get?
In sports competitions, a momentary anger, fight, tension can lead to major and unwanted incidents. Therefore, the parties act more restrained, more tolerant, more calm. Because thousands, tens of thousands of people are divided and a single spark makes everyone tense. Especially in our country, sports fanaticism is almost at its peak. So much so…
Martyrs are immortal…
For many years, the phrase “Martyrs are immortal, the homeland is indivisible”, which has been chanted in unison at every martyr’s funeral, has become a discourse that expresses our feelings, reduces our anguish and reflects our anger. Some consider it a simple slogan. Others claim that it has become a hollow one and are disturbed…
Will the coups end?
In the days after the July 15th invasion attempt was defeated, some politicians, based on the nation’s great reaction, stated unequivocally that “no one will ever attempt a coup again and that the era of coups is over”. We had heard such statements a lot, especially during Özal period. However, before the suspicions of Özal’s…
The last drop!
Hundreds of drops fill the glass, but it is the last drop that overflows it. Sometimes it is a word, sometimes an action. Many problematic situations are glossed over, covered up or even dismissed as unimportant. But even if the last straw is a simple incident, it suddenly becomes the most important issue because it…